Site info The fanlisting name, 'When I grow up..', comes from a quote by Steven Spielberg in an interview he gave in 1985. Despite having already had huge success by then with films such as 'Jaws', 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' and 'E.T.', when asked about his position as a Hollywood mogul he said "Yeah, I'm a mogul now. And I love the work the way Patton loved the stink of battle. But when I grow up, I still want to be a director." I've always loved that quote and to me it shows how the childhood dream of making movies hasn't gone away. It's still with him and the magic of storytelling can be seen in all his films. I also thought it was a fitting name for his fanlisting because having grown up watching his films he has inspired me, and I'm sure lots of other people as well, to say that that's what they want to do when they 'grow up' too :) Disclaimer |